![IMG_20111109_151930 img_20111109_151930_thumb-300x166-3343332](https://stefanblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/IMG_20111109_151930_thumb-300x166-3343332.jpg)
“No android user can’t use Instagram and no iphone user can’t use lightbox.” a fost replica data de CEO-ul Lightbox la intrebarea daca aplicatia nu este asemanatoare cu Instagram-ul.
In cadrul dezbaterii Future trends in mobile Martin Bryant (European Editor, TheNextWeb), Thai Tran (Founder & CEO, Lightbox), Felix Petersen (Co-founder, Amen), Philipp Kandal (Co-founder & CTO, Skobbler), Dan Romescu (CEO, Augmented Citizen), Dragos Chivu (Director Data Marketing, Vodafone Ro), au purtat o discutie despre noua tehnologie NFC si cum Apple nu va folosi aceasta tehnologie. S-a subliniat si handicapul sistemului Android de a adopta tehnologii noi datorita multiplelor terminale disponibile cu sistemul Android.
“For the big mass, Apple will be able to innovate faster with the lunch of a new phone or software.”
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